How to draw circle(s) in AutoCAD using Excel VBA



In this article, we will show you how to draw a circle in AutoCAD using Excel VBA, which allows you to manipulate AutoCAD from Excel to streamline your drawing process.

Preparation of VBA in EXCEL

In order to manipulate AutoCAD with Excel VBA, you need to set references to AutoCAD’s object libraries.

  • From the VBA editor menu, select “Tools” > “Reference Settings”.
  • Select “AutoCAD Type Library” or “AutoCAD Object Library” from the list, check the box and click “OK”.
    (*The name may change slightly depending on the version. AutoCAD 2021 Type Library” etc.)

Sample code to draw circle(s)

Let me show you a sample code that draws a circle using the values entered in Excel.
First, prepare an Excel sheet like the one below.

The sequence of cells A2 to D2 are the input cells.
E2 is a cell to get the handle value of the drawn circle. No input is required.
The handle values are obtained because they will be useful later in the automation of AutoCAD, but there is no need to be concerned about them at this stage.

The VBA code is as follows.

Sub DrawCircleInAutoCAD()
  'Declare an AutoCAD application object
  Dim acadApp As Object
  'Declare an AutoCAD document object
  Dim acadDoc As Object
  'Declare a circle object
  Dim circleObj As Object
  'If AutoCAD is not running, start it; if it is already open, retrieve it.
  On Error Resume Next
  Set acadApp = GetObject(,"AutoCAD.Application")
  If acadApp Is Nothing Then
    Set acadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0
  'Show AutoCAD
  acadApp.Visible = True
  'If the AutoCAD document is not open, create a new one; if it is open, retrieve it.
  On Error Resume Next
  Set acadDoc = acadApp.ActiveDocument
  If acadDoc Is Nothing Then
    Set acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Add
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0 
  'Declaration of a variable to put the center point of a circle
  Dim centerPoint(0 To 2) As Double

  'Set the center point
  centerPoint(0) = Cells(2,1) 'X-coordinate
  centerPoint(1) = Cells(2,2) 'Y-coordinate
  centerPoint(2) = Cells(2,3) 'Z-coordinate
  'Declaration of a variable to contain the radius
  Dim radius As Double
  'Radius setting
  radius = Cells(2,4) 'radius
  'Create circle
  Set circleObj = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddCircle(centerPoint, radius)
  'Obtaining a handle
  Cells(2,5) = circleObj.Handle
  'Display of object range
  acadDoc.Regen acActiveViewport
  'Show message
  MsgBox ”Circles were drawn!”
End Sub

Circle VBA Function procedure

If you create your code as a Function procedure, you can more easily draw a large number of circles. Here we describe how to do this.

First, let’s write the following code in the standard module of EXCEL VBA as it is.

Public acadApp As AcadApplication       'Variable that holds the AutoCAD application document
Public acadDoc As AutoCAD.AcadDocument  'Variable that holds the AutoCAD document object

Function DrawCircleInAutoCAD(x1 As Double, y1 As Double, z1 As Double, r1 As Double) As String
  'Function to draw a circle in AutoCAD
  'Arguments are in order from the beginning.
  'X coordinate of center, Y coordinate of center, Z coordinate of center, size of radius
  'The return value is the handle of the drawn circle.
  Dim circleObj As AcadCircle 'Variable that holds a circle object
  Dim centerPoint(2) As Double 'Array holding the coordinates of the center
  Dim radius As Double 'Variable that holds the radius
  'Set center coordinates
  centerPoint(0) = x1
  centerPoint(1) = y1
  centerPoint(2) = z1
  'Set radius
  radius = r1

  'Adding circles to AutoCAD model space
  Set circleObj = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddCircle(centerPoint, radius)
  'Returns the handle of the added circle
  DrawCircleInAutoCAD = circleObj.Handle
End Function

Now it is easy to use DrawCircleInAutoCAD(x1,y1,z1,r1) to draw a circle.

For example, prepare the following sheet.

Then write a sample of the main procedure. This sample should be executed with AutoCAD open. Draw a circle in the active drawing.

public Sub main()
  On Error GoTo OUT1 'Error Handling: When AutoCAD is not running
  Set acadApp =GetObject(,"AutoCAD.Application") 'Retrieve existing AutoCAD applications
  On Error GoTo OUT2 'Error Handling: AutoCAD file not opened
  Set acadDoc = acadApp.ActiveDocument 'Retrieve the active AutoCAD document
  On Error GoTo 0 'Reset error handling
  'Draw a circle in AutoCAD and write its handle to Excel
  Cells(2,5) = DrawCircleInAutoCAD(Cells(2,1),Cells(2,2),Cells(2,3),Cells(2,4))
  Cells(3,5) = DrawCircleInAutoCAD(Cells(3,1),Cells(3,2),Cells(3,3),Cells(3,4))  
  Cells(4,5) = DrawCircleInAutoCAD(Cells(4,1),Cells(4,2),Cells(4,3),Cells(4,4))
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox "Launch AutoCAD"
  Exit Sub
 MsgBox "Please open the AutoCAD file"
End Sub

Lines 11 to 13 are calling the Function procedure. For the sake of the sample, I am describing each one individually, but you can draw a large number of circles by using a For statement, etc.

Of course, you can use the following without reading values from cells.

Cells(2,5) = DrawCircleInAutoCAD(0,0,0,10) 'Draw a circle of radius 10 at center point (0,0,0)

If you want to draw a circle but do not need a handle, you can prepare a variable such as dummy as shown below.

dummy = DrawCircleInAutoCAD(0,0,0,10) 'Draw a circle of radius 10 at center point (0,0,0)


In this article, we explained the basic method of drawing circles in AutoCAD using Excel VBA. By applying this method, you can draw figures in AutoCAD based on data entered in Excel and automate drafting operations. Please start with simple shapes and gradually try more complex operations.

Using Excel VBA to draw circles in AutoCAD? That’s a lot less mistakes and a lot less corners!


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